At IDC, we are dedicated to empowering immigrants and new Americans through a range of comprehensive services. Our offerings are categorized into four major service areas, each with specialized programs and support to address diverse needs.

Our Core Services

Business Incubation

Our Business Incubation service is dedicated to fostering the growth of new American entrepreneurs by providing essential resources, support, and a nurturing environment. Designed specifically for immigrant communities and minority groups, this initiative offers affordable space and flexible rental options tailored to the unique needs of emerging businesses. By equipping entrepreneurs with the tools and network they need to succeed, we aim to create a thriving ecosystem that drives innovation and economic vitality.

In revitalizing the Fargo-Moorhead area, our Business Incubation service plays a crucial role in stimulating local economic development and enhancing community diversity. By supporting new American entrepreneurs, we contribute to a vibrant marketplace that enriches the cultural and economic fabric of the region. This collaborative effort not only helps individual businesses flourish but also strengthens the broader community, creating a more inclusive and dynamic environment for all.

The International Market Plaza provides affordable space for new American entrepreneurs and small business owners. This incubator offers a supportive environment where businesses can thrive, featuring flexible rental options and essential resources to help startups succeed.

The Moorhead Cultural Mall is an upcoming initiative designed to create a supermarket-style space for new American entrepreneurs. This project will offer a vibrant marketplace, fostering community and business growth in a similar vein to the International Market Plaza.

 Lending Programs

Our Lending Programs are designed to empower new American entrepreneurs by providing the financial resources and support needed to turn their business ideas into reality. We offer tailored lending solutions that not only provide access to capital but also include educational workshops and personalized counseling to ensure entrepreneurs are well-prepared to manage and grow their businesses.

By facilitating access to essential funding and financial education, our Lending Programs help bridge the gap for emerging business owners. This initiative plays a vital role in revitalizing the Fargo-Moorhead area by fostering entrepreneurship and economic development. As new American entrepreneurs succeed, they contribute to a more dynamic and diverse local economy, enriching the community and driving sustainable growth in the region.

Our Micro Lending Program supports new American entrepreneurs by providing small loans to start their businesses. The process begins with a workshop on creating a structured business plan, followed by personalized counseling and loan issuance to help bring their business ideas to life.

The Credit Builders Lending program focuses on improving credit histories through community-based lending circles. Participants form groups to provide low-interest loans to each other, building credit scores and financial literacy through regular repayments and credit reporting.

 Technical Assistance

Our Technical Assistance service is dedicated to supporting immigrants and new Americans by addressing essential needs and fostering opportunities for personal and professional growth. We provide vital support in areas such as food security, documentation, and language access, ensuring that individuals can navigate their new environment with confidence and ease.

By offering resources like free food distribution, assistance with essential paperwork, and language support through translation and interpretation, we work to remove barriers and enhance the well-being of our community. Additionally, our personalized business advising helps entrepreneurs refine their plans and strategies, contributing to a vibrant and thriving local economy. Through these efforts, we aim to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

We partner with the Great Plains Food Bank to run the Food Distribution Project, which provides free food resources to the community twice a week. This initiative aims to address food insecurity and support families in need.

Our Documentation Services assist new Americans with filling out essential documents, such as naturalization forms and job applications. We offer guidance and support to ensure that individuals understand and complete these forms accurately.

Translation and Interpretation services provide essential language support for immigrants and new Americans. Our interpreters assist with translating documents and offering on-the-spot interpretation to facilitate communication across different languages.

Through One-on-One Business Advising, we offer personalized advice on business plans and strategies. Our experts review business proposals and provide insights based on U.S. business practices, helping entrepreneurs refine their plans for success.

 Our Programs

Our Educational Programs are designed to empower new Americans by providing essential skills and knowledge to navigate their new environment and achieve personal and professional goals. We offer comprehensive training in key areas such as entrepreneurship, financial management, and driving, tailored to meet the specific needs of our community.

Through our programs, participants gain valuable insights into starting and managing businesses, managing finances effectively, and preparing for driver’s licenses. By equipping individuals with these critical skills, we aim to enhance their confidence and independence, fostering a more informed and capable community. Our commitment to education helps pave the way for success and contributes to a thriving, self-sufficient population.

The Entrepreneurial Training Program equips new Americans with the skills needed to start and manage their own businesses. This program covers key aspects of entrepreneurship, including business planning and operations.

Our Financial Literacy Training focuses on educating individuals about financial management, including budgeting, saving, and credit building. This program aims to enhance financial knowledge and empower participants to make informed financial decisions.

The Driving to Success Training helps new Americans prepare for obtaining their driver’s licenses. This program includes practical guidance and resources to navigate the U.S. driving system, ensuring participants are well-prepared for their driving tests.

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